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NoBo Branch Update

Apr 5, 2021

Over the last few years, we have been proud to fund 90% of the Boulder Public Library programs. A library needs more than just programs; however, it requires a place to put on those programs—physical spaces that match the first-class offerings that the library provides. The Foundation has championed a capital campaign to support the Boulder Library system’s expansion with the new state-of-the-art NoBo Library branch. 

With construction slated to begin later this year, the effects of Covid-19 and increased budget constraints threatened to affect the building’s development. Increases in project and construction costs meant that the design team would have needed to compromise and remove aspects of the building that would significantly reduce the footprint, which would have impacted programs.

In 2020, the Boulder Library Foundation was proud to have step in to meet this funding shortfall by committing $500,000 to this world-class library’s development and construction. 

The core of the facility’s design goes to meeting the needs of 21st-century library patrons. What does that mean? Books, of course, but that is just the beginning. The Foundation’s $500,000 contribution has restored and preserved great features that include:

    • BoulderReads! Classrooms Square Footage
    • The Makerspace
    • Phase 1 of the Playground 

This substantial contribution would not have been a reality had it not been for the Foundation’s commitment to bridging the gap. In addition to this financial contribution, the Foundation has committed to mobilizing our friends’ and donors’ support. To this point, we’d like to thank Brad Feld and Amy Bachelor for their generous gift of $25,000 that will be used towards funding the gender-inclusive bathrooms.

We’d also like to thank our board members for their generous support; notable mention must be made of Andrew Ghadimi and his family, who have committed $25,000 to fund underfunded aspects of the project. 

The Boulder Library Foundation is passionate and fully committed to bringing NoBo to life. We are proud to support this project on behalf of our incredibly generous donors. If you’d like to donate, feel free to do so via our website boulderlibraryfoundation.org or mail us a check to P.O. Drawer H, Boulder, CO 80306. 

There are currently various naming opportunities available; if you are interested in making a naming contribution or would like more information, contact info@boulderlibraryfoundation.org

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The Boulder Library Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 1974. All donations are tax-deductible. Our federal tax ID number (EIN) is 23-7408456.


The Boulder Library Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 1974. All donations are tax-deductible. Our federal tax ID number (EIN) is 23-7408456.



Boulder Library Foundation
1001 Arapahoe Ave,
Boulder, CO 80302

(720) 551-8385


Boulder Library Foundation
1001 Arapahoe Ave,
Boulder, CO 80302

(720) 551-8385

EIN 23-7408456

© Boulder Library Foundation | All Rights Reserved

© Boulder Library Foundation | All Rights Reserved